About Me

Hey my name is Laura and I'm 16 years old and doing Ty this year. My blog is about my year in Ty. I will write about the year and activites we do throughout ty.

Monday, 14 October 2013

How to create a collage using picmonkey

First of all open up a search engine e.g google chrome and search 

On the top centre of the page there should be a button that says create a collage. When you hover the mouse over it, it should say click to start or drag images here click on it. 
 (It should look like the above images)

Press open photos and open the folder on your computer that you wish to take your photos from, you can chose more than one photo and if the layout that comes up does not suit you, you can change it by clicking the second tool on the far left which looks like.
 This gives you a choice of layouts chose the one best suited to you
Then just press save located on top of your collage and then it will show you an overall view of your collage press save to my computer

 and you are finished enjoy:)

Friday, 4 October 2013


Ty trip to Pearse Museum 

As part of Ty for Irish we were taken to an old house and school in Dublin to learn about Patrick Pearse who was trying to help keep the Irish language among kids and teenagers. The day was filled with laughs as we waked around the gardens and museum comparing life there to life now and learning about the past and what it was like to live then. 
     We were taken around the house and into different rooms where the family lived and we saw how their love for Irish was part of their everyday lives.
    All in all the day was such a good day taking pictures with friends in different parts of the site, videoing our whole year running through the forest and seeing Mrs. L run in heels hysterically through the forest.